Industrial Cyber Attacks

Industrial Cybersecurity Buyers’ Guide 2024 navigates complex industrial landscape
Industrial Cybersecurity Buyers’ Guide 2024 navigates complex industrial landscape
Claroty’s Team82 details cyber attack by Blackjack hackers on Moscow's emergency detection systems
Claroty’s Team82 details cyber attack by Blackjack hackers on Moscow’s emergency detection systems
Kaspersky ICS CERT reports on escalating consequences of cyber attacks on industrial organizations
Kaspersky ICS CERT reports on escalating consequences of cyber attacks on industrial organizations
Continuous need to face challenges, build strategies across industrial cybersecurity amidst evolving threats
Continuous need to face challenges, build strategies across industrial cybersecurity amidst evolving threats
The Takepoint Research report indicates a significant shift towards adopting the Zero Trust model in OT, with 72% of professionals integrating it to boost security and efficiency. It highlights secure remote access as a key application, aligning with goals to reduce risk and enhance operations. Moreover, it points out the need for collaborative efforts across organizational roles to implement Zero Trust effectively, aiming to improve productivity and security.
Xage-Takepoint Research report reveals growing adoption of zero trust security in industrial enterprises

Industrial Cyber Experts

Jonathon Gordon
Continuous need to face challenges, build strategies across industrial cybersecurity amidst evolving threats
Rising cyber threats and attacks against critical infrastructure installations have led to the constant adaptation of the changing... Read full story
Rodrigo Mendes Augusto
Strengthening ICS/OT Cyber Resilience: Learning from 2023’s Cybersecurity Incidents from Dragos’ Report
Introduction: Understanding the Evolving Threat Landscape in Industrial Cybersecurity 2023 has been a watershed moment for industrial cybersecurity,... Read full story
Paul Veeneman
Growing convergence of geopolitics and cyber warfare continue to threaten OT and ICS environments in 2024
As we move into 2024, the influence of geopolitics on cyber warfare has become increasingly pronounced, with rising... Read full story
Tom Alrich
Navigating industrial cyber threats with SBOMs, VEX, CSAF for enhanced supply chain resilience
A significant rise in cybersecurity threats and attacks, particularly targeting software supply chains, has led to heightened scrutiny... Read full story