Radiflow, Camozzi Group collaborate to bring about resilience, security of industrial infrastructures

OT cybersecurity vendor Radiflow announced this week a collaboration with Camozzi Group to strengthen the resilience and security of industrial infrastructures in any sector, recognizing cybersecurity as a core strategic business pillar. The move will implement cybersecurity technologies across Camozzi’s production sites.

The risks of OT cybersecurity attacks aimed at productive systems have become a fast-growing phenomenon in Italy and around the world. The collaboration seeks to identify vulnerabilities and sources of attacks while relying on high-performance risk management systems. The collaboration with Radiflow will enable Camozzi Group to maximize security and stability further. Already characterized by an elevated level of technology reliability, this collaboration reinforces Camozzi Group’s commitment to its customers’ security and stability.

“The Radiflow-Camozzi Group collaboration will identify vulnerabilities and sources of attacks by implementing comprehensive cybersecurity measures across all of Camozzi’s automation system plants, spanning various customer segments such as textile systems, automobile supply chain automation, and 3D printing systems for boats,” Ilan Barda, founder and CEO at Radiflow, told Industrial Cyber. “To achieve this, they will work closely with each of their plants to evaluate and address specific vulnerabilities and threats unique to each country and industry sector.” 

The output of this visibility mapping and vulnerability analysis will be entered into Radiflow CIARA risk analysis system to prioritize the high-impact risks for further processing, Barda pointed out. “Additionally, Radiflow will integrate its cybersecurity solutions with Camozzi’s Manufacturing Execution System (MES) and other existing systems to create a unified offering for their customers.”

He added that Radiflow has strengthened cybersecurity for industrial systems at Camozzi Group by deploying their ISID and CIARA solutions. “These tools provide a risk index for each plant and outline strategies to mitigate risks over time. As a result, Camozzi can effectively monitor and manage the security of their automation products that integrate with specific PLCs and SCADA systems. Furthermore, Radiflow’s cybersecurity services are also offered in partnership with Camozzi to their clients, ensuring end-to-end protection,” according to Barda.

Addressing the challenges faced along the way, and how they were overcome, Barda said that throughout the process, several challenges were encountered, with culture and staffing being key factors. “In many plants, network infrastructure was not adequately segmented, and the IEC 62443 standard had not yet been widely adopted.” 

To address this, Barda said that CISO staff had to rely on local networking engineers who needed training in OT cybersecurity as well as using Radiflow vSAP collectors to monitor sub-networks and feed the central iSID server. Moreover, Camozzi’s plants were at varying stages of technological evolution, requiring tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of each facility,” he added.

Assessing the specific measures that the two vendors have put in place to stay ahead of adversarial threats and attacks, Barda said that they have implemented specific threat intelligence measures that periodically identify sector-specific and country-specific threats in Camozzi’s markets. “By doing so, they can better predict potential sources of attacks and enhance the effectiveness of their cybersecurity strategies. This approach allows them to improve upon the traditional MITRE model by customizing it according to the unique challenges faced by each industry and geographic location,” he added.

Last October, Radiflow partnered with ST Engineering to secure OT facilities with a zone-security approach and tools to manage compliance for the new Singapore’s CCOP v2 standard. The technology keeps OT networks segmented, isolating attackers should a breach occur. The move to protecting multi-facility organizations is critical to ensure continuous operation and compliance with the latest regulations, such as Singapore’s CCOP.

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