Risk & Compliance

Risk Management is a flexible and tailorable multi-step approach that blends cybersecurity, privacy, and supply chain risk management activities into the system development life cycle. It involves knowing the organizational risk, assessing the threat to industrial operations and the ecosystem, and taking appropriate steps to control the threat factor. By learning about their risks, organizations can better build their cybersecurity posture, take steps to mitigate the risk, or simply ignore the threat factor.

Compliance involves acting in accordance with industry standards and guidance. Compliance often brings about organizational changes as vulnerabilities and threats evolve and the cybersecurity landscape shifts. It also delivers greater confidence within the operational environment, as with the strengthened infrastructure, it is more challenging for cyber threats to penetrate and disturb the day-to-day operations of various teams and individuals.

Global alarm intensifies as state-sponsored cyberattacks raise risks to critical infrastructure, national security
Global alarm intensifies as state-sponsored cyberattacks raise risks to critical infrastructure, national security
National Cybersecurity Strategy Implementation Plan (V2)
US administration updates National Cybersecurity Strategy Implementation Plan to meet growing challenges
US administration rolls out international cyberspace and digital policy strategy focused on digital solidarity
US administration rolls out international cyberspace and digital policy strategy focused on digital solidarity
Growing threat of malware and ransomware attacks continues to put industrial environments at risk
Growing threat of malware and ransomware attacks continues to put industrial environments at risk
House Committee emphasizes importance of CIRCIA implementation for cyber preparedness
House Committee emphasizes importance of CIRCIA implementation for cyber preparedness

Industrial Cyber Experts

Sinclair Koelemij
Through the Lens of a Case Study: What It Takes to Be a Cyber-Physical Risk Analyst
I regularly cover the topic of cyber-physical risk analysis in my writings, and as a result, I’ve received... Read full story
Jonathon Gordon
Enhancing industrial cybersecurity by tackling threats, complying with regulations, boosting operational resilience
Organizations across the industrial cybersecurity space are constantly dealing with challenges including software breaches, hardware vulnerabilities, supply chain... Read full story
Ilan Barda
Sprinting Toward NIS2 Compliance
OT networks are under increasing attack. Water distribution, oil extraction, maritime, transportation, manufacturing, pharmacy, health services, and other... Read full story
Paul Veeneman
Guarding the Tracks: Cybersecurity imperatives for the future of rail infrastructure
Strengthening cybersecurity in rail infrastructure and systems is imperative for modern transportation, addressing vulnerabilities in both physical rail... Read full story