Cyolo launches security research team, presents critical vulnerability findings on emerging threats

Cyolo launches security research team, presents critical vulnerability findings on emerging threats

Cyolo announced Tuesday the launch of its recently formed security research team and the details surrounding its upcoming technical session at BSides Las Vegas 2023. The team empowers enterprises with proactive insights into emerging threats introducing recently uncovered critical vulnerabilities presenting security risks and compliance issues.

As the threat landscape continues to evolve, staying ahead of potential vulnerabilities is paramount. Cyolo’s recently launched security research team continuously monitors and analyzes the latest security trends, tactics, and techniques to proactively identify and mitigate potential access vulnerabilities. 

Tel Aviv, Israel-based Cyolo helps organizations in the IT and OT (operational technology) spaces to stay both secure and productive in an era of distributed workforces and unprecedented cyberthreats. Its next-generation zero-trust access solution enables users, including employees, third parties as well as remote and on-site workers, to connect to their working environments seamlessly and securely using modern identity-based access.

The new team, led by top researcher and Cyolo’s head of security research, Dor Dali, closely studies the latest attack vectors and methods to develop countermeasures and defenses that are tailored to protect customers from high-risk access breaches that could cause enormous damage.  

Remote access and high-risk access are the pillars of every organization. By joining Cyolo and researching this area, I feel that I can really make an impact and benefit the entire cybersecurity ecosystem,” Dor Dali said in a media statement. “Security research across known and emerging threats is the next step for us, we aim to contribute as much as we can to the cyber security ecosystem and help bridge the gaps in the identity and network world.”  

On the heels of Dor’s recent disclosure of a new Remote Desktop Gateway vulnerability (CVE-2023-35332) focused on the usage of an outdated and deprecated protocol, he will unveil the latest findings from the Cyolo security research team—including new critical- and high-severity vulnerabilities—in a session. 

In this technical presentation, Dor will discuss the somewhat unconventional techniques and methodologies used to uncover vulnerabilities, introduce the remote desktop protocol (RDP) and show how even one of the most used protocols in the field of RDP can be broken and exploited, and delve into how protocol specifications, open-source implementations, and other publicly accessible resources can be used to reveal hidden risks. He will also provide an overview of the vulnerabilities discovered and an in-depth analysis of the most significant ones. 

Cyolo continues to provide leaders in IT and OT security with the tools and research needed to prevent their current access nightmares, ensuring they strike the right balance between securing and enabling the business.

In February, Cyolo announced the next-generation of its partner program aimed at maximizing an organization’s cybersecurity potential for securing their applications and sensitive systems. The program will provide partners with a high profit margin through a simplified reseller structure and richer tools, including access to MSSP (managed security service provider) products to help grow and expand their business, while safeguarding their customers’ operations against any potential access breaches.

Webinar: Transforming Manufacturing Security: The 5-Step Approach to Rolling Out and Scaling Up OT Cybersecurity

Register: May 22, 2024 | 8am PDT | 11am EDT | 5pm CEST
