Tenable Research Discovers “Peekaboo” Zero-Day Vulnerability in Global Video Surveillance Software

Tenable launches ExposureAI, adds generative AI capabilities across cybersecurity platform

The vulnerability, which could affect up to hundreds of thousands of cameras worldwide, would allow cybercriminals to view and tamper with video surveillance footage

Tenable®, Inc., the Cyber Exposure company, today announced that its research team has discovered a zero-day vulnerability which would allow cybercriminals to view and tamper with video surveillance recordings via a remote code execution vulnerability in NUUO software — one of the leading global video surveillance solution providers. The vulnerability, dubbed Peekaboo by Tenable Research, would allow cybercriminals to remotely view video surveillance feeds and tamper with recordings using administrator privileges.

For example, they could replace the live feed with a static image of the surveilled area, allowing criminals to enter the premises undetected by the cameras.

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