Zero Trust

The Zero Trust principle is based on creating a framework that reduces and/or removes implicit trust in networked systems by addressing network identity, endpoint health, and data flows. The model considers potential risks to a mission or business process and how they can be mitigated. Ultimately, the zero trust implementation depends on organizational workflow and resources.

Ideally, organizations must build their zero trust architecture on the premise that they cannot fully trust systems, networks, or services, operating both outside and/or within the security perimeter. It calls for verification of everything and anything that is attempting to establish access to the organizational systems, networks, or services. The strategy leads to a paradigm shift in philosophy on securing infrastructure, networks, and data, from verifying once at the perimeter to continually verifying each user, device, application, and transaction.

2024.06.16 gauging maturity of secure remote access as cybersecurity demands grow in operational, industrial environments
Gauging maturity of secure remote access as cybersecurity demands grow in operational, industrial environments
DoD unveils Zero Trust Overlays document for achieving cybersecurity goals from 2021 Executive Order
DoD unveils Zero Trust Overlays document for achieving cybersecurity goals from 2021 Executive Order
2024.06.03 New NSA guidance addresses visibility and analytics pillar of zero trust implementation for enhanced risk mitigation
New NSA guidance addresses visibility and analytics pillar of zero trust implementation for enhanced risk mitigation
Microsoft warns of increasing attacks on internet-exposed OT devices, urges enhanced security measures
Microsoft warns of increasing attacks on internet-exposed OT devices, urges enhanced security measures
NSA releases guidance on advancing zero trust maturity for application, workload security
NSA releases guidance on advancing zero trust maturity for application, workload security

Industrial Cyber Experts

Kevin Kumpf
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Jonathon Gordon
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